Thousands of the finest and most successful Christian men and women from Dayton are in our huge database waiting to meet someone amazing like you.
If you are fed up with modern dating sites or Christian singles events & groups, then you need to join our local Christian dating service where you are going to get fun dates with upscale Christians who are looking for true love.
We created our local Christian dating service in Dayton to give single Christians a new way of meeting like-minded Christian singles that was more private than online dating and single groups.
Joining our local Christian dating service in Dayton will jumpstart the dating process and help you connect with affluent Christians who are proactive about dating and ready to welcome true love in their lives.
As a VIP client, you will work directly with your own Christian Dayton matchmaker who is going to find you compatible Christian matches to date from within our huge pool of pre-screened Christian members from Dayton, Ohio.
Join today and get access to elite Christian singles who 100% ready to settle down in a committed relationship.